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How To Balance Your Feminine

& Muscular Energies

May 4, 2022

How are you feeling lately?

Suppose you feel something is off and everything is going against you. In that case, your masculine and feminine energies might be out of balance.

Regardless of our gender, each of us has two energies within ourselves: the masculine and the feminine, like Yin and Yang.

They go hand in hand and nourish each other.

The masculine energy makes us strong, confident, and independent. It helps us to operate in the outer world.

And the feminine energy makes us creative and intuitive. It helps us love and connect with others.

And while the two energies are essential, one of these energies is stronger than the other for most of us.

If you have more masculine energy, you might find it hard to stop working and let go of control.

On the other hand, if you have more feminine energy, you might have a hard time making decisions and getting things done.

And this can create some issues. 

We now live in a society where feminine energy is suppressed. And that demands more masculine energy in us to operate, belong, and even be accepted.

In other words, it’s a man’s world. And it causes our lives to be out of balance.

Especially we, as women, are meant to integrate and embody our feminine energy to thrive.

So the question is… what can you do to achieve harmony between masculine and feminine energies?

But before we dive in, I want you to check if you are masculine or feminine energy dominant in general.

There is a fun test called the finger test you can do to identify your dominant energy.

The Finger Test

Flatten out your right hand, look at your fingers, and see which one is longer. Your index finger or your ring finger?

Masculine dominant people tend to have the right finger longer than their index finger. 

People with dominant feminine energy tend to have two fingers of the same length or have the index finger longer. 

Scientists say that the more testosterone you are exposed to in the womb, the longer your ring finger will be. And the index finger, on the other hand, indicates the estrogen levels of a person.

Once you are clear on your dominant energy, it’s time to learn the common traits of each energy.

The point of this is for you to be familiar with your natural strength so that you can acknowledge what comes naturally to you and work on building up your less-dominant energy to create a balance. 

But remember, you may have less feminine energy in the moment even if you are feminine energy dominant because of your working or living environment. 

So make sure to go through both lists and see what is missing and causing out of balance.

And once you are done, think about what you can do to incorporate more feminine or masculine energy to make them equal.

Feminine Strength Common Traits:

  1. Emotional — You are very sensitive and feel everything deeply.
  2. Free-spirited — You are spontaneous and live in the moment. 
  3. Expressive — You have no problem sharing your feelings and expressing yourself. You love spending hours just talking to someone.
  4. Open — You are cooperative and trusting. 
  5. Empathetic — You have a great ability to love, nurture and connect with other people. 
  6. Creative — You enjoy the finer things in life. Art, design, fashion, and beauty are all important to you, and you may use them as a form of self-expression.

Masculine Strength Common Traits:

  1. Tomboy — You prefer the company of men rather than women. You like being active, and you are more adventurous than your friends.
  2. Ambitious — You are very career-driven.
  3. Independent — You are a rebel. You don't want to follow anyone's lead and want to do things your own way.
  4. Reliable — You do what you say you will do. You are not the type of person who changes her mind and cancels at the last minute.
  5. Honest — You are not a people-pleaser and are comfortable telling your friends or people around you things that others won't. 
  6. Kind — Although it isn't always fun to hear an honest opinion, you are not bitchy, and your honesty is well-intentioned. You always want to help others in your life.

I also want to talk about how too much of each energy could affect your life.

Strengths are only strengths when used in moderation, but they can become counterproductive and lead to pain if they are out of balance. 

Too Much Feminine Energy

People who have too much feminine energy can get lost in their feelings and lives in general.

They either become party people who only live in the moment and have fun or become entirely introverted. They become stuck in victim mode because they lack the masculine energy responsible for action and structure.

They often put other people’s needs before their own. They tend to struggle with money management and don’t like to talk about money. 

They also are a people pleaser who will do anything to avoid confrontation. They have a hard time saying what they think or need.

Too Much Masculine Energy

People who have too much masculine energy can lead empty lives.

We need our feminine energy to love and care for ourselves and others. 

So without it, they find themselves burned out and cut off from others.

They also don’t know how to stop “doing” and simply enjoy “being.” If they are not doing something, they feel lazy and unproductive.

They tend to be authoritative and possessive. They like to be always in control.

Because of their controlling nature, they can get impatient when things don’t go their way.

How to Balance Masculine and Feminine Energies

So now, let’s talk about what you can do to balance masculine and feminine energies.

If you think you have too much feminine energy or lack masculine energy, turning up your masculine energy will be helpful. 

How to Turn Up your Masculine Energy:

  1. Take charge of your finances, career, and life, whatever that means to you.
  2. Plan ahead and set goals for yourself — Being spontaneous is great, but you'll feel lost and aimless without a clear plan in life. A plan gives you direction and focus.
  3. Stand up for yourself and be more assertive — You can try a power pose. Stand with your legs wide and your hands on your waist, lift your chin, and put your shoulders back. It increases your testosterone level.
  4. Spend time with masculine strength people — You may feel that you don't have much in common initially, but soon you will both learn from each other.
  5. Challenge yourself — You can take on more responsibilities or big projects at work or start something out of your comfort zone. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not. What matters is to take action.
  6. Be more honest and direct — As a feminine energy person, you're probably too kind and polite to say what you think or ask for what you need. So you can practice being more honest in your opinion and more direct in your requests. 

Do you think you have too much masculine energy or lack feminine energy? Turning up your feminine energy will be helpful. 

How to Turn Up your Feminine Energy:

  1. Get in touch with your feelings — You tend to suppress your feelings because you believe that feelings are for the weak. One of the ways to get in touch with your feelings is journaling. Start asking yourself every day…" How am I feeling?" and write it down.
  2. Express — Try to talk more about your feelings with your friends. If you can't find someone who will listen to you, journaling could be a great alternative. Simply write down your thoughts and feelings with no filters or editing. 
  3. Ask for help — You believe that asking for help is weak and needy. You don't feel comfortable letting go of control. So mindfully ask for help and reveal your vulnerability. 
  4. Spend time with feminine strength friends — You pick up the energy of those around you. Your feminine strength friends will help you de-stress, laugh more and remind you to take better care of yourself.
  5. Spend time alone and practice self-care — Time alone to take care of yourself can be beneficial for you to become more creative and empathetic. It helps you slow down and get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. 
  6. Find a creative hobby — A creative hobby like painting, writing, photography, or dancing, will bring out the creative side within you and help you feel more comfortable with your feminine energy.

Both masculine and feminine energies are essential in our lives, and achieving harmony between them helps us live healthy, full, and balanced lives.